Hands to Help Seniors is constantly looking for support to move our mission forward. In order to do this, we are always looking for support in the form of financial donations from the public, foundations and other grant giving non-profits and corporations. We also look for in-kind work from third party suppliers that are willing to donate time and materials to help lessen the cost of services that are needed in the community. We only contract with licensed, bonded companies that can help with property maintenance, home health services and private duty services, medical equipment, assist with direction of senior options, and other services to help seniors in our community live healthy safe lives in the privacy of their own homes. These are the kinds of services that your financial donations and in-kind service donations help to pay for in our communities.
For Suppliers:
Hands to Help Seniors is committed to working with third party suppliers and forging relationships as part of an ongoing effort to assist seniors in our communities. We encourage all suppliers that would like to do business with Hands to Help Seniors Inc. to please complete our online registration form. A profile of your company will then be made available to the Board of Governors for consideration. If approved, a Request for Proposal (RFP) will be mailed to you and H2HS will await your response.
Corporate, Public, and Foundation Supporters:
A comforting conversation with a senior that is alone, a cleansing shower for a senior that cannot take a shower without assistance, a healthy meal prepared in the privacy of their own home, a clean home to provide a healthy environment, transportation back and forth to medical appointments or shopping, repairing a rug, roof or walls that added to healthy safe residence – these are just a few ways that your gifts are put to use at Hands to Help Seniors. Thanks to the continued generous support of our donors, Hands to Help Seniors is able to reach out to the seniors in our communitiy to perform these tasks that make a huge difference and can sometimes be life saving.
Help support our seniors by becoming a sponsor with Hands to Help Seniors, Inc. See a listing of our current sponsors and join our efforts by clicking here.

Copyright © 2010 to 2021 Hands to Help Seniors Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Hands to Help Seniors, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization, our Tax ID # is 45-2403819